
Explore our range of high-quality dentures designed for comfort, aesthetics, and function. Reclaim the ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

Dentures are a reliable and popular solution for replacing missing teeth, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits. At Select Dental Office, we specialize in crafting custom-fit dentures that restore the natural appearance of your smile and improve your ability to perform daily activities such as eating and speaking.

Types of Dentures We Offer:

  • Complete Dentures: Used when all the natural teeth are missing. They rest on the gums and can be conventional (placed after the gum tissue has healed post-extraction) or immediate (placed immediately after teeth removal).
  • Partial Dentures: Ideal for when one or more natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. They not only fill in the spaces created by missing teeth but also prevent other teeth from shifting.

Benefits of Choosing Dentures:

  • Improved Oral Functionality: Dentures help with chewing and speaking more clearly, which are often compromised by the loss of natural teeth.
  • Enhanced Facial Aesthetics: Dentures support facial muscles and structure, preventing facial sagging that can occur with tooth loss.
  • Customizable: Dentures are tailored to fit comfortably and match the natural color of your gums and teeth for a seamless appearance.
  • Durable and Affordable: With proper care, dentures are durable and a cost-effective solution for tooth replacement.

The Denture Fitting Process:

  1. Consultation and Impressions: The process begins with a detailed consultation and taking impressions of your jaw to ensure a precise fit.
  2. Trial Fittings: Before the final denture is completed, trial fittings will be made to ensure comfort, fit, and appearance. Adjustments are made as necessary.
  3. Final Fitting and Adjustments: Once the dentures are crafted, they are adjusted during the final fitting to ensure maximum comfort and functionality.
  4. Follow-Up Care: We provide comprehensive guidance on how to care for your dentures, including cleaning and maintenance tips, and schedule follow-up appointments to adjust and refine the fit over time.

Why Choose Select Dental Office for Dentures?

At Select Dental Office, we combine our expertise in dental prosthetics with advanced technology to provide you with dentures that not only look natural but also feel comfortable. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that each patient receives individual attention and solutions tailored to their needs. We are committed to helping you navigate your journey to a restored smile with empathy and professionalism.

Whether you are considering dentures for the first time or need to replace an old set, we invite you to schedule a consultation at Select Dental Office. Let us help you regain your smile and confidence with our expertly crafted dentures.

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