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Is Chocolate Really Bad For Your Teeth?

Feb 16, 2021
Our Torrance orthodontist usually sees a lot of different cases when it comes to patients teeth.

Is Chocolate Really Bad For Your Teeth?

Our Torrance orthodontist usually sees a lot of different cases when it comes to patients teeth.

Some patients have minor crowding while others require a more extreme treatment. One thing all patients have in common is their concern for one thing: cavities. Cavities are often caused by sweet or sugary foods. The one food item most patients are concerned over when it comes to sweet treats to avoid is chocolate.

Is Chocolate Actually Bad For Your Teeth?

Is Chocolate Really Bad For Your Teeth?

There are a lot of myths surrounding the question if chocolate is good for your health or not. Different types of chocolates affect your teeth differently. For example, milk chocolate, one of the most popular types of chocolate, contains an excessive amount of sugar. Milk chocolate consists of 20-30% real cocoa, and the rest is split between sugar and powdered milk. Because of this, milk chocolate is often the most popular form of chocolate that causes cavities.

Dark chocolate, on the other hand, has a lower amount of sugar. Some might even argue that dark chocolate helps fight tooth decay. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which have been known to help slow down tooth decay. It also contains antioxidants, which are beneficial to one’s health. Unlike milk chocolate, dark chocolate is made up of 70% real cocoa.

Cavity Prevention

Is Chocolate Really Bad For Your Teeth?

Cavity prevention is important if you want to continue eating milk chocolate without ending up with a mouthful of cavities. Tooth decay and cavities occur when your mouth turns sugar into acids. These acids then eat away at your teeth and weaken them. You can prevent tooth decay or cavities through means of staying away from sugary foods and brushing your teeth. Make sure you are brushing and flossing on a daily basis as well as visiting your Torrance orthodontist and dentist for annual check-ups.

About Select Dental Office

Select Dental Office is a Torrance orthodontist provider. We make sure to provide various services to our patients such as orthodontics, veneers, tooth extractions, and regular dental check-ups. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook where we give you the latest news and dental health advice!